Homeopathy HLTH 2010
COURSE PURPOSE & OVERVIEW This course presents a basic understanding of the history, principles, and fundamentals of homeopathy. Conditions that can be helped using homeopathic remedies will be discussed and remedies that are appropriate for the childbearing woman will be presented.
SPECIFIC LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the completion of this course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the following areas:
1. Briefly describe the history of homeopathy
2. Briefly describe the philosophy of homeopathy
3. Be able to describe homeopathy to a midwifery client in a clear and understandable manner
4. Be able to prescribe homeopathy based on the signs and symptoms that a client is describing/experiencing
5. Be able to look up signs and symptoms in the repertory and compile them into remedies
6. Be able to look up remedies and choose to the best remedy for the client
7. Know how to give remedies and have a basic understanding of potency and administration
8. Have a basic understanding of the top most common pregnancy, childbearing, and postpartum remedies.
9. Be able to chart homeopathic prescribing accurately
10. Knowledge of how to use homeopathic resources
11. Create a Materia Medica for personal use
SPECIFIC LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the completion of this course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the following areas:
1. Briefly describe the history of homeopathy
2. Briefly describe the philosophy of homeopathy
3. Be able to describe homeopathy to a midwifery client in a clear and understandable manner
4. Be able to prescribe homeopathy based on the signs and symptoms that a client is describing/experiencing
5. Be able to look up signs and symptoms in the repertory and compile them into remedies
6. Be able to look up remedies and choose to the best remedy for the client
7. Know how to give remedies and have a basic understanding of potency and administration
8. Have a basic understanding of the top most common pregnancy, childbearing, and postpartum remedies.
9. Be able to chart homeopathic prescribing accurately
10. Knowledge of how to use homeopathic resources
11. Create a Materia Medica for personal use
Cell Salts
Mary Betsellie
Summer 2018
Cheryl Furer, CHom, BSM , CPM, RM
Mary Betsellie
Summer 2018
Cheryl Furer, CHom, BSM , CPM, RM
Cell Salt Name
1 – Calc Flor (Calcium Floride) 2 – Calc Phos (Calcium Phosphate) 3 – Calc Sulph (Calcium Sulphate) 4 – Ferrum Phos (Ferrum phosphoricum) 5 – Kali Mur (Potassium Chloride) 6 – Kali Phos (Potassium Phosphoricum) 7 – Kali Sulph (Potassium Sulphate) 8 – Mag Phos (Magnesium Phosphate) 9 – Nat Mur (Natrum Muriaticum) Sodium Chloride 10- Nat Phos (Sodium Phosphate) 11 – Nat Sulph (Sodium Sulphate) glauber’s salt 12 – Silica (Sand) |
Unique Remedy Information
Supports connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Also used to strengthen tooth enamel or any area where there is hardness of the tissue Helps with Fear of money problems, indecisiveness about little things of unimportance. Symptoms worse with cold, wet, change of weather, damp weather, Better with continuous movement, heat and rubbing. Supports bone health. Can treat bone spurs and osteoporosis. Also supports teeth and digestive health Also helpful for nerve pain, anemia and assimilation issues. For friendly people who male friends easily. Active people who like sports and travel. Crave smoked meats, white spots on nails, craves tobacco. Worse: teething with cold damp wind, fluid loss, fruit, night, puberty, thoughts of the symptoms Better: rest and laying down, warm summer weather. Infections with puss, detoxifier, blood purifier, improves digestion, skin and tissue support, hair and nail support, wound healer. Good for hot conditions such as burning, itchy skins, skin eruptions, Angers easily, followed by weakness, quarrelsome, irritable and easily insulted, worrisome about heart, health and in general, moody. Worse: drafty, from damp, evenings, sleep, drafts, menstruation Better: open air, bathing, with covers off Carries oxygen through the body and strengthens blood vessels/arteries. Not a replacement for iron supplements. For those who are depressive, tired and dizziness. Symptoms of weakness and heaviness. Helps with concentration and memory. For those who like to be alone, tires easily, irritated easily especially with self, flush easily and have a hard time re-calling names. Worse: movement, noise, night, morning from 4-6, on right side of body, sour foods, cold drinks, coffee and meat. Belter: being alone, cold, bleeding, after bowel movement For sluggish, rundown conditions. Subtle in action, supports muscles, nerve cells and brain cells. Useful in mucous conditions that is white or clear. Strong cleanser after infections and illness to clear body. Worse: drafty spaces, open air, cold drink, at night, with movement, menstruation, fatty foods, damp, Better: letting hair loose, rubbing, Supports strong memory, nerve and brain support. For persons who are easily frightened and who startle easily. Easily exhausted especially nerve exhaustion. For stress related issues, anxiety/depression, supports central nervous system. Wore: when tired, excited, worried, cold dry air, mental fatigue, with food, early in morning, puberty, solitude, Better: beginning of menses, with sleep, fasting, rest and warmth, movement, with people, cloudy days. Skin and Lung remedy, oxygen carrier, close relationship with pulsatilla, builds new cells where old ones have been damaged by disease. Can help recover taste and smell after illness. Helpful for timid shy people, Worse: heated room, evening, after eating, warm air, noise, standing still, lying down. Better: Antispasmodic, works on nerves, helps stiffness, awkwardness, numbness. Supports muscle fibers, heart, cardiovascular system, use where there are signs of magnesium deficiency. Worse: on right side, cold, drafty, being touched, at night, lying on the right, milk, movement, tiredness Better: with heat, pressure, hot baths, bending over, friction A grief remedy, balances fluids where there is excess moisture or dryness, Persons may crave salt, thirsty, prefer to be alone, is sensitive. Main headache remedy. Emotional upsets may spur eruptions such as herpes outbreak Worse: morning – 9-11, sun, heat, physical work, communicating, noise, music. Better: with rest, sweating, open air, skipping meals deep breaths Balancer of acidity/alkalinity , good for over acidic conditions, called “biochemical antacid” digestive aid, Good for coffee drinkers to help balance acid, fasting and detoxing, Worse: with milk, with menses, with sugar, an active mind, during thunder and with sexual activity Better: with pressure, coldness and open air The liver cell salt, used for toxic liver and other liver problems, balances intercellular fluids, supports lungs, head injuries and physiological symptoms, Worse: damp coldness, laying on the left, light/sunlight , music, cold food and drink Better: open air, passing gas, sitting, food in the morning. The cell cleanser, supports connective tissue and helps the body discharge foreign matter, a good skin remedy specifically for scars, supports body’s ability to create pus. Worse: draftiness, cold air, uncovered head, excitement, new moon, menses, night Better: with warmth, tightly wrapped head and voiding |
Common Indications
Prolapse Hemorrhoids/ Varicose Veins Backache Strained muscles Joint and bone issues Rectal fistula Piles Nightmares Inability to express oneself Brain fog Itchy eyes Cataracts Bones – broken, sort, inflamed, brittle Vitamin D deficiency Hemorrhoids Smoking cessation Eczema Swollen glands Menopause Anemia Hunger after eating Headache Hernia Incontinence Muscle spasms and cramps Colds Boils Cracked skin-hands /feet Ruptures of the skin such as pustules Itchy hot skin Infections – yellow mucous-discharge Abscesses Mastitis Ear infections Gum boils Fungal infections/tendency Constipation Diarrhea Cradle cap Sore throat Vomiting/nausea morning sickness Excess menses Dysmenorrhea Anemia Diarrhea Constipation Incontinence Colds Hoarseness and laryngitis Bronchitis Cough Headache Heart palpitations Stiff neck Nosebleeds Vaginitis with white discharge Yeast infection Dysmenorrhea ( with mag-phos) Sore throat Asthma ( take every 20 min during attack) Sluggish liver Burns (topically) Acne Blood clots Bruises Skin issues such as boils, eczema Acne and rosacea Indigestion from fatty foods Autoimmune disorders Canker sores Croup Kidney inflammation UTI Morning sickness Ear infection, runny nose Recovery from illness Depression Anxiety Mental fatigue Stress Poor memory Brain injury Headache Insomnia Blurred vision Black spots or halo in vision Body odor Certain types of coughs Sciatica Nose bleeds Varicose veins Dry skin Eczema Psoriasis Dandruff Itchy, scaly skin Warts Fungal rashes Liver spots Pimples Skin eruptions ring worm Back pain during menses Rheumatism Amenorrhea Bronchial asthma Rattling mucus in chest High grade fevers Facial neuralgia Angina Back pain Bloating Colic Headaches Cramps in stomach/bowel Muscle cramps from overwork Spasmodic coughing Spasmodic labor pains Insomnia accompanied by emotional turmoil Menstrual cramps TMJ Sciatic Toothache Carpal tunnel Oligohydramious/polyhydramnious High blood pressure Hay fever Headache Double vision Insect bites Constipation Heart disease Heart break Herpes outbreak Cold sores Back pain Premenstrual water retention and bloating Hives Cracked dry lips Addiction Vertigo Acne Itching Hives Parasites Moring sickness Gout Back pain Rheumatism Hangover Cystitis Vaginitis Parasites Food allergies Diarrhea Vomiting ( sour fluids) Asthma Alcohol addiction/cravings Flatulence The flu Epilepsy Swelling Vomiting ( bitter taste) Diabetes Gallbladder pain from inflammation Depression Suicidal thoughts Body odor and excessive perspiration Smelly/sweaty feet Acne scarring Infection Splitting nails Hair loss Dry chapped skin Asthma Headaches, cataracts Shyness Ulcers Vaccine reactions Constipation Amenorrhea Infertility Indigestion Lack of confidence |